Open canoes, or Canadian canoes, were originally used by native Indians in the northern United States and Canada.
Their use has changed over the years from an essential vessel for trade, to a recreational boat for everyones
enjoyment. Whether on flatwater lochs and gentle rivers, or extreme white water and expeditions, the canoe
is very versatile and can be adapted to suit many situations.
In the past they were made out of wood, and today you can still see canoes made of wood, which is indeed the
most aesthetically pleasing material, but the most common construction today is plastic.
Kayaks were invented and first used by the Inuit, more traditionally referred to as Eskimos. Their craft were
constructed using skins on a frame of driftwood - since the Eskimos lived beyond the tree-line, this was their only option.
The boats were lightweight and robust. They were used for hunting.
Although many different types of kayak exist today, from long sleek sea kayaks, ideal for touring, to impossibly short
playboats for tricks and tight manoeuvers, the basic idea is the same as the original Inuit boats.
A kayak is defined as a boat which you sit in and power with a double-bladed paddle.
What's on offer
We run half day, full day and multi day trips involving overnight camps in beautiful and remote locations in both kayak and canoe.
These are offered to all ages and abilities, whatever your level of experience.
We run courses in solo and tandem canoe, sheltered water, open or moving water and the sea.
If you can't find a canoe course to suit you please let us know your level of experience and we can tailor a course to suit your needs.
We are also offering Stand up Paddleboarding either as a hire or guided trip.
We also offer the following BC/SCA courses
On our course programme we have a few brief details. Please email us for more detailed information on the course that you are interested in.
Course Programme to see what is available. However, if you cannot see what you are
looking for, please do get in touch, as we are always happy to put a trip together a trip especially for you.
Safety and Rescue
Foundation Safety and Rescue Training
This course gives you a basic level of skill in all aspects of safety and rescue in paddlesport. It is a generic course that
aims to give a wide variety of practice in as many craft as is possible. Usually open canoes, long kayaks and short kayaks are
available to use. It can be done as a stand alone course and there are no pre-requisites required to attend. All you need is a
desire to learn more about being safe on the water. The course will take place on sheltered water.
White Water Safety and Rescue
This course is for people who want to improver their safety and rescue skills and knowledge on moving water up to and including grade 2. Given
the environment that we will be operating in there is a pre requirement to be able to paddle on moving water up to and including grade 2. This
course can also be done stand alone and does not need to be done as a stepping stone to another course and you don't need to have done the
Foundation Safety and Rescue course although this may be helpful.
Paddle Awards
The Start Award is exactly what it says on the tin, it's a place to start your paddling journey. If you're brand new to the sport and really
want to learn the basics to get started, then this is the award for you. You'll cover everything from getting in and out of the boat, what
you need to wear and paddling forward.
Check Paddlepower and Adventure's
Course Programme for Start courses.
The Discover Award allows you to develop your decision making and practical skills for a fun and safe time on the water, as you become a more
skilled and independent paddler. Through this award you will learn how to choose and effectively use equipment, whilst developing an understanding
of the factors which affect your paddling.
Check Paddlepower and Adventure's
Course Programme for Discover courses.
If you want to become independent on the water, go on self-guided adventures and know how to control your craft and stay safe on the water, this
is the award for you. If you've never been paddling before, it might be worth starting with the Start and Discover awards. In this award you will
take ownership of your own decisions and learn to make confidence choices, based on the places you paddle, wind and weather.
Check Paddlepower and Adventure's
Course Programme for Explore courses.
Personal Performance Awards
Sea Kayak Award
The Sea Kayak Award endorses your skill, judgment and the decision making required for a successful day on the sea. You will be confident in
planning and undertaking journeys on the sea,in winds up to and including force 3 and/or tides up to 1 Knot, using sea kayaks or sit on tops, in
tidal or non-tidal environments,with proficient skills to be in control throughout. Your award should be seen as a sound basis for building the
experience and knowledge associated with Coastal Sea Kayak Award holders.
White Water Award
Your White Water Award endorses your skill, judgment and decision making to ensure a successful day on rivers up to grade 2. You will be confident
in planning and undertaking journeys on moving water with proficient skills to be in control throughout. Your award should be seen as a sound basis
for building the experience and knowledge associated with Progressive White Water Award holders.
Canoe Award
Your Canoe Award endorses your skill, judgment and decision making when journeying. You will be confident in planning and undertaking canoe journeys
on the water in winds up to and including force 3 taking place on grade 1 rivers with simple eddy lines. Your award is a sound basis for building the
experience and knowledge associated with the Progressive Canoe Award.
If any of these are of interest to you please contact us for more information.